Room 6 2014 Digi Award Entries
Graphic design by Abby
Graphic design by Amber and Olivia
Graphic design by Annie
Graphic design by Bryn
Graphic design by Greer and Georgie
Graphic design by Jack B. and Joel
Graphic design by Luke and Stanley
Graphic design by Olivia
Graphic design by Simone
Graphic design by Stanley and Luke
Photography by Greer
Graphic design by Ella
Graphic design Abby and Molly
Graphic design by Angus
All of the above graphic designs and one photo were selected and entered from Room 6 into our school Digi Awards. Greer's photo and graphic designs by Timmy, Ella, Angus, and Abby and Molly were then selected to go through to the Taradale School Cluster of judging (see last 5 images above).
Congratulations to Timmy, Abby and Molly, and Angus, for making it through to the Hawke's Bay Digi Awards which will be held in week 1, term 4.
(See the last three images - entries that made it to the H.B. finals)