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Tuesday, 11 November 2014

UNISON come to school

The Unison Visit

Written by Makayla

Unison do the impossible.  They own all the power lines, all the power boxes and transformers. Transformers are huge power boxes that you see in town.
Safety?  First, they wear a hard hat, fire resistant overalls, tested special rubber boots, a face shield, gloves, merino under-shirts and protective coats - high viz.
We learned a lot!
Conductors are things that electricity can travel through easily, like water, trees, humans and metal. Some things electricity cannot travel through easily are special rubber, plastic and porcelain.  They are called insulators.
Electricity travels around the world seven times in one second.  When electricity strikes a person it will stop the heart pumping, muscles will seize, it burns the inside and outside of the body and it is hard to breathe.  Electricity is always trying to get to the ground.  Electricity is carried through high voltage power lines around the country to sub-stations, then power is spread to other areas.
Many people have been struck by power lines.  It is so important to stay away from broken lines or power boxes, keep others away and to call 08002UNISON!

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